Pritchard Lake
Pritchard Lake Pumping Plant Replacement
The Pritchard Lake Pumping Plant Replacement phase of the American Basin Fish Screen and Habitat Improvement Projects is the replacement of the existing 150 cubic feet per second (cfs) timber pile supported irrigation pumping plant with a new 150 cfs steel pile supported pumping plant. The new plant includes cylindrical wedge wire fish screens and cleaning system, new pumps and motors, welded steel discharge pipe, sediment jetting system, control system enclosure, and miscellaneous auxiliary equipment and site improvements.
A second phase of the Pritchard Pumping Plant Replacement includes removal of the existing discharge pipe through the levee and new welded steel discharge pipe up and over the 200 year flood elevation. A complimentary vacuum assist system that will be used to create a siphon event and reduce overall power consumption during pumping operations will also be installed during this second phase of construction.